All About Candygirl!!

Welcome to my blog. I am trying to get a little more into my blog. I make you no promises about how regular I will blog. I hope you can have a laugh as you read about my life and some of my thoughts. I am originally from Australia, but live in the States. Love to have fun teaching elementary school, and catching up with family and friends.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

When you take a moment to stop and reflect, life is interesting with its twists and turns. I was planning on spending Thanksgiving with Suzanne in Montana, but the weather intervened. So in the end I went down to Nephi and spent the day with Rex and his family. We had such a fun day. The Thanksgiving food was amazing. I love stuffing! After we chatted and then the games began. Yes my competitive side did come out. We were playing 5 crowns and we had to keep playing until Rex wasn't winning! Yes I was pushing this issue. Then we played spoons. I was the one who walked away with an injury. Jacob hit my fingers a couple of times and they got a little jarred. Yes it is a little swollen, but not too bad.
We watched some movies, played the new Game of Life, and chatted. It was a really fun, relaxing day. It was just like hanging out with the family. They are all loud and obnoxious, just like us. It was great.
I was thinking back to last year and how nervous I was to go meet Ben's family. It ended up being such a nice Thanksgiving too. Even though I am not American, it is a great time to stop and think of what we are thankful for. So much in life changes, but this summer I have learned how to communicate better. I have also learned how thankful I am for great friends and amazing family. I was watching Anne of Green Gables and I was reminded of a nice saying, "Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes." I think this is a great way to view life. If we let others have their mistakes and forgive them and ourselves our mistakes, then life would be a whole lot better and happier.


  1. Yes, your family rocks

    So true about life and mistakes.
    I'm glad you had a great time :)

  2. So am I... how are you all doing??
