All About Candygirl!!

Welcome to my blog. I am trying to get a little more into my blog. I make you no promises about how regular I will blog. I hope you can have a laugh as you read about my life and some of my thoughts. I am originally from Australia, but live in the States. Love to have fun teaching elementary school, and catching up with family and friends.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Laser Saga continues...

"Candice what is that lady talking about?" Isis asked me this morning. I proceeded to tell him about how Mummy and Candice were talking to the lady about getting some laser hair removal done. "You mean they are going to shot you with a hand laser all over?"
Isis is a very visual child and was extremely excited by this prospect. After all was said and done I am getting my arms lasered and my Mo... I don't have much of a mo, but seriously, I am so excited about them arms. Finally!!