All About Candygirl!!

Welcome to my blog. I am trying to get a little more into my blog. I make you no promises about how regular I will blog. I hope you can have a laugh as you read about my life and some of my thoughts. I am originally from Australia, but live in the States. Love to have fun teaching elementary school, and catching up with family and friends.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Twins are everywhere!

So Nicky is having twins and I am in the process of planning her baby shower! It is so much fun to have something exciting to plan for. Maybe I will have some other things to plan for in the near future??

It seems that everywhere I go, I see Twins. On Saturday night at Chillis a couple walked in with twins in little capsules. I was definitely getting a little clucky. I also found out that another friend is having twins too. I think there must be something in the water in this town, twins all over the place.

Besides seeing twins everywhere I have been snowboarding a few more times. I went last Friday night and finally started to feel like I was getting better. I went down the mountain twice, which is better than I had done before and I went down in 40 minutes rather than almost 2 hours. That was the exciting end to the story, but getting up the mountain was scary. The wind was storming and it was snowing. I was holding on for dear life and closing my eyes. Ben was being so cute, he was trying to calm me down and help me think of how to get off the life with out falling over. The first time up I managed not to fall, then second time I was not so lucky. My bum is still sore from the fall on the ice. It was quite a fun time. I still spend a lot of time concentrating and trying to figure it out, and when Ben talks to me I block him out. If I stop thinking and start listening to him, then I fall over! It is getting to be lots of fun, I can say that I am somewhat disappointed that the season is over. If I had another month, I think that I would really be getting somewhat decent at this.

Besides snowboarding I have not been doing too much. Work has been really busy. Rex was sick for 2 weeks, so I had to take over his class as well as my own. That was rather stressful, but he is back, so that is one thing off my chest! I am excited for Spring Break next week. I am going to be babysitting Isis and Phoenix for a little while. That is going to be fun and really busy! Ben's sister and her family are coming into town for a holiday too. It's going to be a busy week, but nice to take a break from school.

Well I will go back to my event planning... wishing and hoping =)

Love you all xx


  1. just remember that "ice" in utah is nothing like the real ice in ca... that hurts a lot more... :) just think of how fabulous you'll be next season!!

  2. hahahaha... I know next year will be better!
