All About Candygirl!!

Welcome to my blog. I am trying to get a little more into my blog. I make you no promises about how regular I will blog. I hope you can have a laugh as you read about my life and some of my thoughts. I am originally from Australia, but live in the States. Love to have fun teaching elementary school, and catching up with family and friends.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ceres here we are!

After 12 hours on the road, Ben and I made it to his home. It was actually the shortest road trip I have even taken. I really think it was the company, best I have ever had. Carla I promise he only beat you by a tiny, tiny bit. I have never sung as loud and proud with anyone, but you!! The weather is really nice here compared to Utah and I am so thankful for a little bit of a reprieve.

The family that I have met so far are really nice. There was nothing to be nervous about. Yet in saying that, here I am waking up at 6:30am cause I am still nervous. Ahh the joys of life.

Being Thanksgiving it does give me moments to pause. I am really thankful for my wonderful family who support me in all that I do. You are all the best. I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for helping me find peace and happiness in this crazy world. He also opens so many doors for me to get to be places in life that I want, and that will bring me happiness. Thankful for a wonderful man that treats me so amazingly well. Friends who are there just to call and make sure that life is good.

Love to you all xx


  1. WweeeeeeEEEEElll look at you, you little blogger you!!!!

  2. I am trying.... lots of improvements to be made!
