Summer is finally here in Utah. Well its supposed to be, but today was 15 C and raining all day. What the?? I have finally finished school and there is no real sunshine to go out and play in. Life has been a little rough over the last month for me. Ben and I broke up, school finished, other life changes, and making lots of fun choices. There is a lot going on. I have discovered that often in life there are a lot of things to gripe about or get sad, angry, frustrated, ticked off, and annoyed about, but Mum is here and there is so much to be grateful for.
I have so many fabulous things in my life. I have wonderful family, great job, place to live, fabulous friends, car, job, so many things that I need and want. Heavenly Father has really blessed me and that is a great thing to be happy about.
President Monson gave a great talk on gratitude, Finding Joy in the Journey. He said "Our realization of what is most important in life goes hand in hand with gratitude for our blessings."
I hope we can all look for things to be grateful for, even when life seems hard.