All About Candygirl!!

Welcome to my blog. I am trying to get a little more into my blog. I make you no promises about how regular I will blog. I hope you can have a laugh as you read about my life and some of my thoughts. I am originally from Australia, but live in the States. Love to have fun teaching elementary school, and catching up with family and friends.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The noises you hear in the Geriatric Section of the Hospital!

Last night we went into see Nanny in the hospital. There are so many old people in her section making great noises! The lady next to her lifts her leg and farts, then comments ahhh that feels better. Nothing like being 90 and being able to do and say just what you want. Then as we were leaving this old man in another room lets out the loudest burp you have ever heard. Mum and I were cracking up! Then before we could walk any further he lets out several more. I guess once you have got to that age, it's about comfort and not what sounds you can make. I defy any of my brothers to compete with these old people!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Centipedes not allowed in the Shower!!

Have you ever had an Alien moment? Well I had one of those tonight after I got out of the shower. I had just taken a nice relaxing shower, washed my hair etc and was felling all nice and clean. As I was brushing my teeth I looked over into the shower to make sure I had not left any hair in there after washing it. (Mum is not used to having someone in the house with long hair again.) I looked in and saw what I thought was the hairball from hell. Then stopped and thought I did not empty out my brush in the shower. It is NOT possible to have left that much hair.
As I looked in the shower closer I realised that it was a centipede coming up out of the drain. I about screamed and then gagged at the thought of taking a shower with a centipede. I mean really, I can do with out any Alien moments. No gross creepy crawly things coming out of the shower drains. Ughhhh!!! Anyway I decided that it looked dead so I could just wash it down the drain, before Mum took her shower. I turned on the water and it came to life. No it was not dead and started to crawl further out of the drain.
At this point I am questioning whether I can call my brother Jeremy and get him to come over and get rid of this thing. You may laugh, but men are very good at getting rid of insects and other creepy crawly things. It is on the job description of things they must be able to do.
I decided to approach Mum and see what she wanted to do. She turned on the shower to try and wash it down, instead we burned and drowned it to death. Did you know that dead centipedes go still. So here I am trying to move it with a shampoo bottle to get it closer to the drain. It is so stiff now that we realise we are going to have to remove it ourselves. I decdied this was the time to beat a hasty retreat and put clothes on, before outside was going to become an option. Mum came to the rescue and got some cardboard. She had the door propped open and she threw it outside.
Needless to say she ran some more water down the drain before she got into the shower. The hot water also ran out during her shower, all at the cost of not shower with a centipede. Now the main question that still remains, is when did the centipede make its appearance??

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sitting here getting ready for bed and enjoying the feel of clean sheets and 5 blankets keeping me warm. I am packed and for once feel like I have packed light, the only problem is that I have a suitcase full of stuff for other people. It now looks like I bought everything but the kitchen sink for 2 weeks at home. At least I have plenty of room to bring chocolates and other such fun stuff back.
This week has been busy running errands and making sure that I have everything I need. Sometimes I just forget how much stuff I need to sort. I have had my personal chauffeur taking me around. Can I tell you how amazing Ben is? Well I am going to anyway. He has driven me around to all these different places just to be nice and spend time with me. He is the best!!
Tonight he bought me a pink Santa hat. He saw one the other day and was on a mission to find me one. We finally found one. It is cute and I will be a happy pink elf on Christmas Day. Watch for the photos. I get to work a half day tomorrow and then head home to clean up and fly out. I am so excited. I can't believe I am finally coming home. It has been a year and half since I was last there. The other fabulous part is that its Summer and I get to go swimming and get a little brown.
The sad part is that Ben can't come with me. UPS is of the devil as far as I am concerned right now. Well not really. Its a good job that pays nice and has benefits, but it means that he could not come visit with me. But luckily for Skype I will not turn into a complete basket case from missing him =)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The rest of Thanksgiving...

Cars are an amazing invention... but they can also cause stress and cost lots of money. Ben's car had an issue on Saturday, so we did not make it to Santa Cruz beach, but we did in fact make it to the beach. We spent a fun afternoon with Joe and his family. Once we knew what was happening, we loaded into the mini van and headed up the coast.

The beach was beautiful. Walking along the sand made me homesick, as did the lovely fresh smell of the salt and water. I can not wait to head home for some of that beautiful smell. We played a little on the beach. Ben's great family beat a hasty retreat and let us watch the sunset. I honestly can't say that anything could have made me more content or happy at that moment. Man of my dreams cuddling up to me as we watched the sunset... That has to be just one of those amazing life moments.

Afterwards we headed to the Oakland Temple to see the lights. The temple and grounds were beautiful. I was also able to catch up with Undram, from the mission. She is wonderful and it was great to see her. We then headed back to the house and got ready to leave early the next morning.

I had the best Thanksgiving.